Supplying Unparalleled Level of Customer Support and Solutions for the Oil & Gas Industry

Our diverse chemistry offerings and extensive logistics network allow us to provide you with fast, efficient, and hassle-free solutions for drilling, completion, and production needs.
In the oil and gas industry, the importance of high-quality, safe, and EPA-regulated chemicals is paramount. We’re the experts that formulate and ship specialty chemical solutions quickly for the demanding needs of the industry.
Our Chemistries
Our team brings creative solutions to your conventional and unconventional challenges in the oil and gas industry.
Oil and Gas Chemistries when you need them most. Delivered on time.
Our Three-Step Process
Start by scheduling a call to discuss your chemical requirements. We will provide customized solutions.

Alignment and Testing
We will conduct necessary tests to ensure readiness of your chemistries upon arrival .

We solve the logistics, ensuring your chemistries are delivered safely and efficiently.

Prevent the growth of bacteria and other unwanted organisms. Our chemistries are registered and approved by the EPA
Prevent the buildup of scale deposits within the reservoir, pipelines and production equipment.
Scale Inhibitor
Reduce friction and increase viscosity during drilling and completions.
Friction Reducer
Meet product and process specifications while removing H2S.